
The objective of the First Race for the National Police of Colombia

version Miami, is to call the community to join and participate in the Race, so that they run for those who every day run for us: our Colombian police.

The income and donations obtained will be used for the benefit of the

police family through the programs led by “AOS” the Social Works Association and its representation in Miami Ball For All Foundation.  

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The International Orchestra of the National Police was born as a tool for relations with citizens, state institutions and the media, where through music as an artistic expression and the positioning of strategic messages seeks to consolidate spaces with the citizenry for the collective construction of security and coexistence, becoming a bridge of communicative interaction in relational spaces and an ambassador of the institutional image.

She has won three Golden Congos in the Festival of Orchestras of the Carnival of Barranquilla, awarded with the “Golden Tunjo” and recognized in festivals of relevance as “Salsa al Parque” among others.



Sign up for our First Race for the National Police of Colombia version Miami and with your registration supports our cops; the resources obtained in this event, will be administered by the Social Works Association for the benefit of the National Police and its representation in Miami, Ball for All Foundation in the deployment of welfare, health ad education programs that allow to cover basic expenses of children, school-age girls and adolescents, uniformed men injured in combat and women widowed as a result of violent acts against our police.

NUESTROS colaboradores


Si no deseas participar en la Primera Versión de la Carrera por la Policía Nacional de Colombia versión Miami, pero quieres apoyar con una donación para aportar a los diferentes programas liderados por la Asociación Obras Sociales en beneficio de la Policía Nacional y su representación en Miami Ball For All Foundation